What to Do if Your Homeless With a Baby

Peeples is a long-term child abuse survivor who concluded up in foster care. Her goal is to inform others about foster care and social bug.

Families: The New Face of Homelessness

With the economy falling apart, prices skyrocketing, and a society that fails to intendance for its citizens, it'south no wonder that families are quickly condign the majority of those affected past homelessness. An unlivable minimum wage is often the starting pay, even at skilled positions. Many companies pay less than $ix per hr, even for those with years of experience. Then when life goes the wrong fashion, information technology is easy to very quickly lose everything.

I never idea my one time-center-class family unit would cease up on the street. We faced this reality non too long ago, just nosotros managed to pull through. Here are my tips for surviving homelessness with a family unit.

What to do if you find yourself homeless. . . and with a child to take care of.

What to do if yous find yourself homeless. . . and with a kid to have care of.

Where to Sleep When Homeless With Children?

Of grade, no housing is like your own. In that location will be negatives to all these options, equally long as we are not in a comfortable place to call our own. The key is finding the pick that is the easiest to handle for both yourself and your child or children.

  1. Stay With Family unit. The obvious all-time option is to cheque with family. See if at that place is any manner that yous could live in that location in commutation for cleaning, doing yard piece of work, or cooking. This would requite your child a place to be somewhere somewhat familiar while y'all get back on your anxiety. Non everyone has the family unit option. Some just don't want their family unit to know the extent of their problems. If that is the case, you volition need to look at other options.
  2. Stay With Friends. Sometimes this can be the best choice. . . and, equally I learned, sometimes information technology tin be a full nightmare. It can be actually hard if your friend has no children or parents their children differently than y'all exercise. It can atomic number 82 to all sorts of issues—from not beingness able to put your kids to sleep at a reasonable time to trying to explain to a child why it's so cold in the firm that they accept to clothing a jacket. That being said, information technology is a roof. Right at present that is the priority.
  3. Stay in a Hotel. Many lower-quality hotels and motels offer weekly rates. At that place are even some that accept complete kitchens. Value Place Hotels are a good option in my town, as long as you don't have a pet. These hotels run anywhere from $175 to $350 a week. This option could hands take up most of your check, but it provides a roof, h2o, electricity, and independence. Some places offer free breakfast (don't forget to grab an extra bagel or yogurt for luncheon!). Besides, if there is a rest stop nearby, be sure to stop in to look for hotel coupons. I have found that these coupons have better deals than any you'll find listed online.
  4. Campsite or Sleep in Your Car. Read this article for more than information most how to do this safely.
  5. Find a Shelter. I'm listing this last because, in my opinion, information technology is the worst option when yous are a homeless family. In that location were no family shelters within a 100-mile radius of our adequately big metropolis. All of the shelters in my surface area divide the family up. Boys over x had to be separated from their mothers at night to become to the men's section. Hubby and married woman had to slumber in different buildings. Showers were limited to five minutes (have these people tried wrestling a 3-year-erstwhile in a shower?). We were warned that we may be housed with sex offenders and violent criminals. It was truly depressing and made us experience worse than we already did. Grateful they have a system in place, but it should definitely be a final resort.
The kitchen at a "tent city" in my city.

The kitchen at a "tent city" in my city.

Considerations When Choosing a Hotel or Motel

If you lot choose to stay in a hotel consider a few options.

  • Is this a identify that is safe for your children? My married man and I checked into one where nosotros both got striking on by prostitutes. Then, consider the law-breaking at the hotel before staying.
  • Did you lot check for bed bugs? Nosotros hear many horror stories nigh some of the lower-class hotels having bed bugs.
  • Is breakfast included? We are a family unit of 5, with three children. And then even on a dollar carte, the toll of breakfast is a minimum of $5 for us all. That's $25 per calendar week, not even for really full bellies. For us, it was better to merely pay an extra $25 to $30 a week to stay at a place that offers full breakfast. Yous can sometimes have some dorsum to your room for after. We didn't buy milk at all when we were staying in the hotel and lunch was usually breakfast we had brought dorsum.

E'er remember safe first, and don't forget to practise fun things with the kids during these stressful times. Take them to the park in downtime. If you lot still accept their bike, let them ride it in the hotel parking lot. Remember that being homeless may non change your child as long equally you think to not let the stress affect your human relationship.

Basic Tips For Homeless Parents

Basic Tips For Homeless Parents

How to Feed Your Family unit While Homeless

  • EBT/Nutrient Stamps.

    Even with no permanent address, you can get food stamps if y'all see certain income requirements. This is true in all states. I desire to brand sure this is very clear because there is a lot of misinformation well-nigh food stamps out there. Everything helps and this is what the organization is for.

  • Food Banks. This is a slap-up selection but oft conflicts with a work schedule if you are a working family. Some foodbanks take weekend giveaway times. Make certain y'all tell them if you have no access to a tin can opener, stove, or fridge. About can pack a purse made especially for the homeless.
  • Dumpster Diving. Exercise yous take any idea how much good, edible food goes into dumpsters every twelvemonth? I'm talking well-nigh yet-sealed, not-perishable food! Tons of it. Let become of your ego and you lot tin ofttimes fill a automobile with nutrient in a couple hours of dumpster diving.
  • Couponing. Y'all tin can often get free nutrient from couponing, or at to the lowest degree save a good bit of money. Check sites similar moneysavingmom.com for coupon deals at near major grocery outlets.

Fifty-fifty with no permanent address, you can get food stamps if you lot run into income requirements.

This is truthful in all states. Use!

Dial 211

If you have access to a telephone, call 211. Yep, but those three numbers. This will connect you to your local United Way. You lot can speak with someone to find out where the nearest shelters and assist are. They tin direct yous to nutrient banks, shelters, your local SNAP (food stamps) function, WIC, and many other programs. Don't be agape or nervous to phone call. The whole point of this number is to connect people with the services they demand.

Additional Resources

12 Ways to Set up for Homelessness: How to go ready and set yourself if you think you are about to be homeless.

How to Find Depression-Cost Extended-Stay Hotels and Motels: A listing of weekly motels and hotels that ordinarily offer affordable rates and decent lodging.

Read More From Wehavekids

This content is accurate and true to the best of the writer'south knowledge and is non meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional person.

© 2014 Peeples

Carissa Anderson on December 02, 2017:

Me, my husband and 4 kids will be homeless in 2 weeks. Nosotros are at family right at present, but they don't really like kids and want united states gone. Nosotros have 2 weeks tops and no money. My husband works but it'due south been scarce. 2 of my kids are very small, nosotros can't proceed the street. Shelters here are a joke. I accept gotten united states of america on some waiting lists, merely that will take months before we can get in anywhere.

Brieana on November 25, 2017:

A friend, who I thought was a friend, was present when my begetter passed away, knowing the estate money would be mine. So she had convinced me into moving into this dwelling she rented out to me and my two year one-time son merely for the habitation to be unfit to live in, not only that, only she tuckered me by stealing my money, not caring that we are homeless now, freezing, with limited resources and zero to eat, no family, I am and so heartbroken and stressed out, idk what to do.

kay on October 13, 2017:

ive been homeless for most 15 months im not signing on or working my son is 15 we have been sofa surfing as u can approximate non good for my son anyone no if i go into a hotel bedsit will they still assist with costs

Kevin on Oct 06, 2017:

You know, I' ve been homeless before. I lived out of my machine. But, that was 20 years agone. Now I accept a married woman and kids. The biggest problem is we have pets. We're not homeless all the same. But, it's coming. We're looking everywhere. It seems like as soon every bit in that location's an opportunity, nosotros endeavour and someone else gets it. I've e'er been a survivor. My married woman and I both take stable, full time jobs. So, we don't want to move too far away. We've got friends looking, co workers looking, churches looking, even strangers looking. I'one thousand positive something will turn up.

Tara on September 08, 2017:

Thank you for this article.. I never thought in a million years I would exist in this situation and existence homeless with my three kids. I accept everything else covered like childcare, food, vehicle, but housing has been the biggest obstacle with ascension rent prices in my area. This will exist our starting time night being homeless and you gave me to courage to push on since its only a temporary setback.

Shay on March 04, 2017:

Glad you made information technology that gives me some kind of hope that I will to..........

darkwindhorse on May 04, 2015:

I have 3 flip phone cell phones that are able to exist activated on the StraightTalk network, besides as two smartphones that can be activated on information technology also. If anyone knows of someone in the Southern Utah, Las Vegas or Salt Lake City regions who needs a phone to use for job hunting, prophylactic, and to stay in touch with loved ones, please respond to this mail service with an email address and I volition see what I can practise to get these phones to people who really need them. Thank you.

Fay Favored from United states of america on Baronial 27, 2014:

I am so sad to hear of what your family has experienced, but grateful you are willing to share what you have learned. I didn't know that nutrient stamps were available to the homeless, and I tin venture to say most of them don't either. I pray God blesses you with new wonderful adventures to heal you heart.

Larry Rankin from Oklahoma on May 14, 2014:

Expert task. I institute this to be a wonderful, no-nense approach on how to survive.

The quality of your homeless shelter experience saddens me. I don't understand the necessity for unnecessary rules in these places that are supposed to exist at that place to help you. Of class y'all don't desire your children to have to go off somewhere else and slumber! It's commonsense.

Your article also gave nifty insight into the disparity of wealth in this country. At one time a person could alive on minimum wage and there was non nearly then broad a gap betwixt the extreme wealthy and the poor.

Sorry. I'm going on and on. A wonderful article.

Brian Leekley from Bainbridge Isle, Washington, USA on May 08, 2014:

Adept, applied advice, well expressed. Up, Useful, and Interesting.

I read recently nigh another problem faced past some homeless families -- having "latchkey children" when there is no abode, no door, no latch. Imagine siblings half dozen, 8, and 11 years quondam getting out of school at 3 pm and having to go to a public library or a mall or somewhere and laissez passer the time without calling attending to themselves till a parent can get off work at a depression-wage function-time chore at 4:30 and drive beyond town with "home" (perhaps, say, a 25 years sometime GMC Suburban or an quondam cargo van) to join the children.

Outfits and programs that help the homeless vary a lot in quality. I've talked with homeless persons nearly horrors of a shelter at which the ulterior motive is to proselytize -- study the Bible their fashion and get a dorm room bunk; respectfully turn down and get a very sparse mattress on the flooring in the hallway. There are other shelters where homeless persons are treated with respectful loving kindness. Food banks, hot meal programs, daytime shelters, and and then on also differ in their approaches. Ask at a public library reference desk-bound about local organizations that help, or advocate on behalf of, the homeless and the hungry, or use a library computer to search the Internet on: Countyname County homeless.

Shauna L Bowling from Primal Florida on May 08, 2014:

This is heartbreaking. I so happy you and your family are no longer homeless. I admire your force and courage to brand the best of your state of affairs and overcome in the end.

Renee' D. Campbell from Gaithersburg, Maryland on May 08, 2014:

Wow peeples - i know this state of affairs first manus - thank yous for sharing your story- living without knowing where you will be "living" is tough -and now that I know what it means to have to rely on friends or others just to have a place to shower and lay your head at night -has opened my optics to a lot of things in this earth. Neat hub- keep writing!!!!

Peeples (author) from South Carolina on May 07, 2014:

@ Vicki Thank you for reading. It really is a scary situation I wouldn't wish on anyone!

@gregas So many places provide gratuitous internet now, it is a wonderful matter. The job my husband got was thanks to a place who allow him use the computer to send in a resume.

@billybuc Thank yous for stopping by. If information technology wasn't for my children the motorcar would accept made the best selection. Hotels sure aren't fun to pay for!

LTM Give thanks you! I profoundly capeesh the thoughtfulness you take shown in the past months!!

LongTimeMother from Commonwealth of australia on May 07, 2014:

Hey, peeples. Not bad hub. I'm sharing it. Will also link to it from my hub about homelessness. So pleased you're getting back on your feet. :)

Neb Holland from Olympia, WA on May 07, 2014:

I voted for staying in my car because, well, I've been homeless and that'south where I lived.

Valuable information my friend, and information technology volition be more valuable with each passing twelvemonth as this economy continues to become tits upwardly.

Vickiw on May 07, 2014:

This is a heartbreaking Hub. I think information technology is astounding advice for those who may be suffering through this type of situation, and maybe the nigh significant thing is that you have come through it so well, giving encouragement to others. You should feel so much pride in your abilities, and your learning as you worked through all the difficulties. I'chiliad sure it is a case of "you had to exist there" to fully understand how scary this would be, and so many are just a tiny fashion from having information technology happen to them. Great Hub.

Greg Schweizer from Corona, California. on May 07, 2014:

Skilful to know. I know I have had times when I thought I would be on the streets for one reason or another. I know there are a lot of reasons for being homeless. Information technology is adept thet they have the access likewise, even to await gfor jobs because I know that even though some people seem to think homeless are lazy and simply don't desire to work, they are wrong near a lot of them. I tin see where jut having that accress could actually assistance some get back on their feet. I promise you are back on yours and doing better. Greg.

Peeples (author) from Southward Carolina on May 07, 2014:

Actually you lot would exist surprised. We just did a 8 month long journey of being homeless. Most homeless families take to have a phone for contact with the world. Almost all phones have internet access. When at my lowest I often googled what to practice. Also the homeless shelters had one or two figurer (while very old and cluncky) that still had net access. They let the people there have turns using them. Another cool (or warm in the winter) place for them is to go to the library where there are plenty of computers. Hotels usually have a computer in the lobby to. This solar day and age information technology is rare for someone to take no access to whatsoever internet. Really I don't know what I would have done without information technology. Cheers for stopping by!

Greg Schweizer from Corona, California. on May 07, 2014:

Bang-up hub, good advice and great plans. But I have one question. If a family is homeless, what are the chances that they accept a calculator or admission to Internet to be able to become this information? Merely asking, Greg.


Source: https://wehavekids.com/family-relationships/Advice-For-Working-Homeless-Families

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