Why Do Some Single Mother Not Put Their Baby's Father on Child Support

Women who utilize for welfare oft have to identify who fathered their children and when they got pregnant, among other deeply personal details. State governments use that information to pursue child support from the dads — so pocket the money.

This story was originally published past ProPublica. ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox. Photography by Adria Malcolm.

Amberly Sanchez had a job as an accountant at a real estate visitor in Albuquerque, New Mexico, when she was laid off due to the pandemic. And then an electrical burn down destroyed her apartment building, forcing her and her xvi-month-sometime daughter Avery to stay in a $400-a-week motel. She'd lost everything, from parenting essentials — crib, baby dress, toy car — to her own mother'due south ashes.

Amberly Sanchez. ProPublica photographed mothers in Albuquerque and spoke with them about their experiences with the child support requirements of New Mexico's cash assistance program.
Amberly Sanchez. ProPublica photographed mothers in Albuquerque and spoke with them well-nigh their experiences with the child support requirements of New Mexico's cash assistance program. "You lot feel threatened. When yous're on that phone call and they're talking to yous, you feel like less than," Sanchez said of the application process. Adria Malcolm, special to ProPublica.

This spring, she applied for welfare.

Sanchez, who is 33, expected more than fiscal assistance from the country — in office because she was distantly aware of the history of welfare reform, a federal law that passed 25 years ago this summer. Given that legislation'southward emphasis on putting welfare recipients to piece of work, she said, she idea that welfare officials would button her to go a new task: "In fact, I actually hoped they'd assistance me with that."

Instead, the New United mexican states Human Services Section caseworker who called the next twenty-four hour period fixated on an unexpected question: Who was infant Avery'south biological father?

You can't get public assistance if you don't proper name your child'due south begetter, the caseworker said.

"She was actually determined about it," Sanchez said. "It was all she wanted to talk about: the dad."

In July, a form arrived in the mail notifying Sanchez that if she wanted a small corporeality of aid — $357 a month — to aid pay her motel bill and supercede her possessions, she needed to listing her babe'due south father'due south current and former addresses; his employer's address; his vehicle's brand, model, year, color and license plate number and the state where information technology was registered; his bank account number; whatsoever real manor or other avails he might have; and the addresses of his mother, father and other relatives and friends. She was also asked to provide, under punishment of perjury, the date she believed she got significant and why she believed that to be the correct appointment.

The state of New United mexican states, in accordance with the 1996 welfare reform law, intended to use these details to find the dad and force him to brand kid back up payments — much of which the land would then pocket as reimbursement for providing Sanchez with welfare.

Just Sanchez has a frail co-parenting relationship with Avery's male parent that she worries could exist torn apart past such a disclosure. He's been driving into Albuquerque most weekends from outside the city to spend fourth dimension with their girl, which is a tentatively positive situation, she said. He is in recovery from a drug addiction, and Avery has started calling him "dada."

If Sanchez outs him to child support agents, she worries, they could suspend his driver's license for declining to make timely payments — and he'd no longer be able to visit his family, which she fears might cause him to relapse.

Information technology'southward a practice with deep roots in U.Southward. history: Nether the bastardy laws of colonial times, a poor woman who gave birth out of marriage could be jailed or publicly whipped until she named her baby's begetter, or until he came forward to shoulder the cost of raising their child.

More than two centuries later, a similar if less vehement legal arrangement was included in the 1996 police that overhauled America's premier cash assistance program for the poor, which was renamed Temporary Help for Needy Families, or TANF. The new law said that in order to go federal anti-poverty funding, states would be required to go after fathers of children whose mothers had applied for welfare, in an endeavor to get them to pay kid support to the government as repayment for those welfare dollars.

So-President Bill Clinton said this now much-overlooked provision of the legislation would contribute to "the most sweeping crackdown on deadbeat parents in history."

To this 24-hour interval, almost every parent who applies for federal welfare assistance (in the large majority of cases it is a single mother, and this story refers to those afflicted as "mothers") must showtime divulge everything she knows virtually the biological father of her children.

For struggling mothers in New Mexico, a state that ofttimes ranks last in the U.Southward. in child poverty and well-being, this federal requirement means that they must either forgo desperately needed assist for their children or risk complicating what are often already fraught, and sometimes abusive, relationships with their children's fathers, if they're fifty-fifty in contact with them.

Information technology likewise ways that contrary to the popular agreement of child support — that it is intended to go to children —​ more than $1.vii billion in kid support collected from fathers in 2020 was seized by federal and state governments equally repayment for mothers and children having been on welfare, according to a ProPublica analysis of federal Role of Child Support Enforcement statistics. Close to 3 meg of the nation'due south poorest families had child support taken from them concluding twelvemonth, amid the pandemic, for this reason. (Most other child back up cases are initiated through a divorce or a legal action by the mother; for the majority that don't involve a mom who has received TANF, the money does go to the kids.)

"It distorts the meaning of kid support: Y'all're request parents to 'support their children,' and then you take the money?" said Vicki Turetsky, who served equally the federal kid back up commissioner during the Obama administration, and who, a mother herself, in one case received public assistance. "Information technology sours everybody on the purpose of child back up, and the purpose of government."

During the pandemic, the IRS and land child support agencies even redirected stimulus money that had been headed to poor fathers into authorities coffers instead, on the grounds that they owed kid support on behalf of a family that had previously received welfare. A ProPublica analysis of OCSE statistics shows that federal and state governments pocketed roughly $684 meg more than in child support from these fathers in 2020 than in 2019, which experts said is generally attributable to the dads' stimulus checks existence intercepted. None of that money went to women and children.

Sanchez in Albuquerque. Adria Malcolm, special to ProPublica.

Under the welfare reform law, federal funding for states to spend on help for the poor was likewise frozen at mid-1990s levels, and has not been increased since to business relationship for inflation or changes in population or poverty rates. Yet places similar New United mexican states, Arizona and Nevada look a lot unlike today than they did then, with an influx of immigrants and young people nearly doubling the region's population. The cost of living here has skyrocketed, and with it family need.

However, funding for welfare remains the same, and as a result, the assistance that these Southwestern states can offer per poor kid has plummeted.

This autumn, as the pandemic and the Biden administration'south stimulus plans have renewed involvement in the question of direct greenbacks assistance for the poor, ProPublica volition be revisiting the welfare law on its 25th anniversary, investigating states where the diminishing "block grant" of federal funds and changing demographics have resulted in harmful and sometimes bizarre approaches to providing — and so taking back — coin for the poor.

More than than a dozen mothers in New Mexico spoke to ProPublica near their experiences with cash assistance, equally did former Human Services Department lawyers and caseworkers who handled welfare applications. The moms described it equally humiliating and sometimes terrifying to be questioned about their sexual histories by agents of the land, in pocket-size interview rooms, just to obtain a basic grade of government help. Some were required to submit their children to genetic testing in order to receive help.

Others fear domestic violence or emotional corruption if they name fathers to the authorities. Caseworkers from multiple states shared instances of mothers saying that dads had threatened to retaliate by killing or kidnapping the mom or her child.

1 worker non in New Mexico said in an email that in a recent case, an absent father told a woman applying for public assistance that "if she ever mentions his proper noun on anything, that is the last time she would always be able to say his name."

For many mothers, though, the harm is subtler: Fathers may retaliate by withholding informal support, like greenbacks, gifts to the kids or babysitting help. Or a mother may know that her old partner is in a precarious financial situation, and would be ruined by the government garnishing upwardly to 65% of his paycheck — and threatening him with jail time if he can't or won't pay upwardly.

In August, the New Mexico Human Services Department cut Sanchez'due south monthly do good from $357 to $268 due to her failure to cooperate with child support, her case documents show; the agency may before long slash the amount to null.

"And who suffers when benefits are cutting? The child," said Teague González, director of public benefits for the New Mexico Eye on Law and Poverty. "That's coin for rent, food and diapers. Children shouldn't exist penalized for what either parent is or isn't doing."

Betina McCracken, acting manager of the department's Child Support Enforcement Sectionalization, said in an interview that this do is required by federal law and that the agency takes mothers' experiences — particularly domestic violence — seriously. Abuse cases are immediately flagged then that caseworkers can handle them with care and confidentiality, and a survivor is immune to opt out of the kid support requirements if she provides a constabulary report or restraining club, or a notarized affidavit attesting to the harm she'd face up by naming an abusive father.

McCracken too emphasized that if kid support does go prepare, it can continue helping the family unit far beyond the time when the mother is receiving assistance. A child support order should last until a child turns 18, whereas a mom can only get TANF for a few years — because the 1996 welfare reform police force allowed states to establish strict fourth dimension limits for receiving assistance.

Also, she said, there tin be lasting benefits to children of identifying the father, including a sense of family identity, admission to medical history information and Social Security benefits if the dad dies.

Equally for mothers who complained nigh how they were questioned past the section, McCracken said that she could imagine how it would feel "if I was in that situation and I had to go in and explain when I had sex activity, when was the last time, and with whom." But those details are essential to the job of establishing biological paternity, she said. "We recognize that this is not a comfortable situation."

Sanchez, after beingness informed by an advocate about the option to request an exemption from these requirements, submitted forms maxim, in part, "I do non want to ruin the human relationship by getting child back up." The agency responded weeks afterward with a notice saying that due to her failure to comply, "Your benefits will exist less or stop."

McCracken said that subjective reasons that a mother might non want to cooperate with child back up in society to receive assistance — short of domestic violence or other risk of severe concrete or emotional harm to her or her child — are not legally valid. Sanchez'due south concerns near the procedure crushing her fragile family unit dynamic, for example, do not encounter the standard for opting out, McCracken said.

The practice of confiscating kid support payments from the poor persists in part considering some policymakers believe that welfare should exist considered a loan, to be repaid by the patriarch of the family.

"Legislators advise to me that if a family gets both TANF and child support, they're 'double-dipping,'" said Jim Fleming, president of the National Council of Kid Support Directors and president-elect of the National Child Support Enforcement Association. (He noted that he was not speaking on behalf of either organization.) "That argument is still out there," Fleming said, though it is "becoming more and more of a minority view."

The practice has also survived because the government benefits from information technology financially. Child support obtained from these families is a disquisitional source of revenue for many states and counties, said Fleming, who is too North Dakota's kid support managing director. That point was echoed in interviews with other state kid support officials.

But amid the pandemic, many politicians are reimagining the American social safety internet: From stimulus checks to child tax credits, the trendy, enquiry-based approach has been to get cash directly to families in demand with no strings attached.

In Congress, a pair of Autonomous senators are prepare to innovate a bill this fall that would ban states and the federal government from pocketing child support as "price recovery" for welfare. The legislation contains some boosted federal funding so that country agencies can implement the change without cut their budgets; in part to win Republican votes, it as well includes grants for good for you wedlock and responsible fatherhood programs.

"I think there'southward the potential for bipartisan support," said Sen. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, who volition introduce the bill along with Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon and Illinois Rep. Danny Davis in the Business firm of Representatives. "The focus of the electric current system is on collecting money for the regime, rather than on strengthening families — which should be our shared goal."

Less Coin to Help the Poor, but Greater Latitude Over Its Utilize

The Southwest has been a case report in why welfare should not have been turned into a block grant, experts say.

Nevada, for instance, saw a greater increase in numbers of poor children from 1997 to 2015 than whatsoever other land, and Arizona wasn't far backside; at the same fourth dimension, those states' federal help funds per poor kid declined in value by more fifty% due to inflation and demographic changes, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

As a tradeoff for providing states like these with a gear up corporeality of funding that would turn down in value over time, the Clinton administration promised each state more flexibility over how it could use the dollars, unburdened by federal regulation. The implication was that with greater discretion equally to how to address poverty, states would innovate and find means to do more with less.

But the opposite has been true. Because of their shrinking blocks of funding, states have cutting benefit amounts for the poor and set curt time limits for receiving aid. And with their greater flexibility, they have spent the federal money on programs unrelated to straight assist to poor mothers and children — or have asked as poor fathers to pay the government back.

The practice of taking kid support coin from these families already existed, but prior to 1996 states had been required to send at to the lowest degree $50 a calendar month of a kid back up payment to the family before diverting any of it into government coffers. The welfare reform law also immune states to cut off all aid to mothers, not only a portion, for failure to cooperate with child support. (At least 14 states reduce families' benefits by a smaller percentage, often 25%, for child support noncompliance; New United mexican states is among the majority that will cut the whole amount in some cases.)

Many depression-income moms in New United mexican states said they lasted just a few months receiving aid because of how often their benefits were cut for not responding quickly enough to a child support mailing or for non taking off work to attend a child support interview.

Sanchez organizes diapers and wipes for her daughter in their new flat, which they moved into before this month. She is expecting another child later this year. Adria Malcolm, special to ProPublica.

In Baronial, 1,974 families receiving TANF in the state were sanctioned — significant their benefits were reduced or ended — for a failure to comply with what kid support officials were asking of them, out of a total of roughly 12,000 cases statewide. That means nigh i in six mothers and children were financially penalized nether the kid back up rules in just one month.

Especially during the pandemic, the TANF plan has failed families in function "because of how they sanction you for this really personal matter," said Micaela Baca, who grew upwardly in foster care and now supports her children in Albuquerque by working 16 hours a day, vi days a week, as an in-home caregiver and at a nursing home. Welfare, she added, "could actually make our state and our community better, and help bring someone similar me up out of poverty. But information technology'southward just not doing that."

Janel Ahle is pursuing a biomedical engineering master's caste at the University of New Mexico; she has also studied evolutionary anthropology, Russian and psychology, she said. With her busy bookish schedule, she hoped for some help paying for child care and other parenting needs for her children. Simply she gave upward on applying for public assistance because, she said, "I didn't want to go through with the child support process, because I saw it as the guy who had never been at that place getting more than rights in the thing."

This was another common fear articulated past mothers who were asked to proper noun fathers to get aid: that an absent dad forced to pay back up would spitefully seek custody or greater interest in medical and educational decisions almost the child.

Karmela Martinez, director of the New Mexico Human Services Department's Income Support Division, which administers TANF, said in an interview that the sanctions imposed on poor mothers for not cooperating with child support are mandated under a New Mexico statute that was enacted in compliance with the 1996 welfare reform law. Any modify to the sanctions system would have to exist fabricated by the country Legislature, she said.

Martinez also said that the Child Support Enforcement Partitioning is the role of the department responsible for deeming mothers compliant or not, and that once they are constitute to be noncompliant, sanctions go into effect automatically according to a reckoner arrangement. In other words, she said, it'south not upwards to private Income Support Sectionalization caseworkers making subjective decisions to punish moms.

New Mexico does laissez passer roughly half of the boilerplate monthly child back up payment to kids in TANF cases, according to statistics provided past the department, though it keeps the balance. Some states, including nearby Arizona and Nevada, seize 100% of the money.

New Mexico stands out, though, in function considering this practice harms an particularly vulnerable population there: It has some of the highest levels of child poverty in the adult world.

It'south also a contentious moment politically for the issue in that state. According to interviews with mothers, country caseworkers and policy experts, New Mexico stiffened its rules for greenbacks aid nether the governorship of Susana Martinez, a Republican who fabricated deep cuts to social programs. But that strict enforcement has largely continued since Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, a Democrat who promised in 2019 that she would end child hunger statewide, took role. (Both houses of the Legislature are as well controlled past Democrats.)

Angelica Rubio, a state representative, has raised the child back up upshot with the Man Services Department in private meetings, according to interviews with those who were present. But Rubio told ProPublica that there didn't "seem to be much sense of urgency," and that the conversations were "pretty rushed and felt like a not-priority."

The department earlier this month did asking $ane.7 million in additional funding from the Legislature to fill the budget shortfall that information technology said would result if it sent more than child support payments to families instead of intercepting the coin, a reform that Gov. Lujan Grisham's office said she supports. But McCracken, the acting child support director, said agency officials are still looking at their options and cannot, for fiscal reasons, go so far as to let all kid support flow to mothers and children.

In that location'south also no guarantee that the asking for more funds will be approved; the Legislature will be considering the new budget until Jan.

Tripp Stelnicki, director of communications for Gov. Lujan Grisham, said in an email that the administration "​​gets of import benefits to families throughout New United mexican states without excessive sanctions, restrictions and requirements every single solar day." He besides pointed out that the governor recently worked to laissez passer legislation modernizing the state's child support arrangement with the goal of getting more coin to children.

Kid Support Plan Began After Welfare Was Extended to Women of Color

Race has ever colored the relationship betwixt welfare and child support.

In the early 1900s, country and local cash help for single mothers — often called a "mother's pension" — was bachelor mostly to widowed white women, not to Black women or unwed moms. Equally the welfare rolls diversified in the 1940s, '50s and '60s, many states adopted "human in the house" mandates, which cutting aid to women if a man lived in their abode who was not their children's begetter; these were enforced far more ofttimes against Black mothers.

In 1975, the federal child support program was founded with the explicit purpose of getting fathers to repay the government for public assistance that mothers had received.

"It's non a coincidence that child support was federalized in the decade after the civil rights motion — in other words, in the decade after all these public appurtenances, including welfare, had started being expanded to Blackness women," said Daniel L. Hatcher, an skilful on poverty at the University of Baltimore School of Law. "We don't force eye-class or wealthier single women who have received regime services, or revenue enhancement breaks of ane sort or another, to pursue child support against the dad if they don't desire to."

Curshelle Vann, another female parent in Albuquerque, said the authorities "demeans yous" about going after child support to repay welfare, especially if y'all're Black, Hispanic or Native American.

"I didn't think they'd be so nasty about the male parent," said Vann, who is Black. "If I don't know where he works or any of that, they shouldn't cut off coin for my children."

The stigma around the sexual choices of single moms remains pervasive at the welfare office, said Georgette Cooke, who said she doesn't know who the father of her kid is. "Expect, it was a one-night stand. I didn't know I would get pregnant," she said. "Merely I'm still the one who has to support my child."

Cooke said she considered lying to New Mexico officials, telling them the dad was "Tom Prowl or something."

She said the state cut off all of her help — money she was using for diapers and wipes — for not cooperating with officials in their attempts to name the father.

McCracken, the child support director, said that not knowing the identity of the dad is non a good-cause reason for non cooperating with child back up, though as long as the mom keeps communicating with kid back up agents while they search for him, they may end requiring her participation afterwards six months or a year if he cannot be found.

Robert Doar, president of the American Enterprise Plant, a conservative think tank, was the head of New York state's kid support program when federal welfare reform was passed. He noted that due to the 1996 law'due south stiff work requirements and the resulting narrowing of greenbacks assistance, TANF has become such a small program that the child support issue affects far fewer mothers and children than it used to.

"Perhaps this practice ought to be put out of its misery," he said, merely he added that in that location remains a legitimate rationale for it: "When a parent needs aid from the government because the other parent is not supporting them … it's perfectly logical to say to that absent-minded parent, 'Hey, wait a minute, you ought to pay united states back.'"

Doar said that requiring mothers to comply with kid support, even against their will, tin can be beneficial for them in the long run. It sets them upward to keep getting kid support fifty-fifty after their welfare is repaid to the government, and without having to navigate the labyrinthine family court organization on their own, including paying a lawyer and courtroom fees.

However attitudes around cash assistance among many child back up officials proceed to evolve.

In 2017, some other of New Mexico'southward neighbors, Colorado, implemented a new police force that allows all monthly child support payments made by fathers to be "passed through" directly to their kids, without existence intercepted by the government.

The results take been clear. When dads know their coin will make it to their children, they pay more, they pay more often, and they pay through the official child support system, rather than sending the moms cash whenever they happen to have some, inquiry shows. They have also been shown to be more likely to go on their jobs instead of working in the undercover economy and more likely to formally admit paternity of their children.

In the get-go ii years later the Colorado law was enacted, poor families in the state received $11.7 meg more than in child support, and monthly collections jumped by 76% in electric current TANF cases. Colorado counties, initially resistant to the policy change because they idea it would put a paring in their budgets, now back up it because more dads are cooperating with them, said the country'due south kid back up director, Larry Desbien.

Research also makes clear that assuasive child back up to flow to families makes low-income mothers more likely to work, because they can afford child care. And every dollar that goes to moms and kids saves the government many times more in the future, when they will exist less likely to rely on social programs like food stamps and Medicaid.

Alyssa Davis playing with her kids at home. Adria Malcolm, special to ProPublica.

Finally, several experts said, going later on kid support to recoup welfare is only marginally cost-effective for the government. That'southward in part because fathers in TANF cases are so often poor themselves, and pursuing payment can require tracking them downwards, taking them to court or jailing them at taxpayers' expense.

Yet the New Mexico Human Services Department and many others across the land go along pressuring poor single mothers to sign over their child support rights to the state to continue that trickle of revenue flowing.

When Albuquerque resident Alyssa Davis applied for public assist for herself and her babe boy, Zeppelin, she didn't expect to be hassled about child support requirements because she was in a committed human relationship with the father. (They are now married.)

She said her interactions with the Human Services Department started out friendly but turned contentious when she mentioned that the dad was not, in fact, a deadbeat. "They didn't take too kind to that," Davis said. She said that a caseworker tried to get her to say that the father wasn't as involved a parent every bit she was claiming, and so that the state could become subsequently him for child support as repayment for providing her with aid.

"Information technology'south like they wanted us to not be a family unit," she said, "which I thought was the reverse of what this whole welfare thing was supposed to be well-nigh."


Source: https://imprintnews.org/family/moms-forced-to-choose-reveal-their-sexual-histories-or-forfeit-welfare/58938

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